One of the many things I've been doing is making greeting cards to sell at the day job. Having an illustrator on staff has made my boss so very happy. I did a bunch of funny, clever, and "nice & normal" cards, saying both "Merry Christmas" and "Season's Greetings" but I wanted to depart from the norm for at least one of the cards, and have a little fun.
Father Christmas |
Anyone who knows me knows that I love surrealism, and MC Esher is one of my original heroes. The concept of "Father Christmas" has always been my preferred representation of the spirit of Christmas, since it has less involvement of Coke products and colours. I decided to merge the two into something interesting, and while the photo isn't the best, the original turned out very well. There will also be something incredibly geeky coming down the pipeline, but I won't be showing it off until after the holiday, so those folks who get my usual custom Christmas cards will actually be able to see it first.
Until then, Merry Christmas, Happy Yule, and Happy New Year! I'll see you in 2015.